Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?

Dear Stephanie,

It's getting easier. I know that I've been pretty lame lately, and that I'm kind of a bitch when I want to be. But really, I just don't want you to forget the good things you had once because they're things you can have, and will have again if we remember. Your whole life you hear things like, "Remember the past or you're doomed to repeat it!" and that's the case for the good things too...well, aside from the "doomed" part. That makes it sound scary. I'm sorry that I'm having a hard time letting go, and I can hear all the things you're saying, and I hear all the things your friends are telling you. I know they're true, but it's still hard. I thought we had him. You with the funny and the cute and the brain with the smart and the quickness and the thoughtful. But his heart isn't ready for us. We're too much. Maybe, they'll realize one day.... but by then we'll have found someone worth bleeding with. I know this. I really do, which is why I'm letting go. Take the wheel for a bit...I'm tired.

Love Always,
Your Heart

Today was good. Easier. I'm really wishing I would've let myself have this months ago.

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