Saturday, December 12, 2009

Oh And I'm On My Way To Believing...

What can I really say?
I'm awful at keeping people updated on my life through blog. But it's late and I can't sleep so let's do the damn thang.

I've dealt with my emotions of the past year, the highs and lows (lots of lows) and the good and bad and I think I'm finally rebuilding myself. It took some time, some tears, some support, and some good laughs with excellent people but I'm moving on. And to be honest, it feels so good. I feel so much lighter, and it's easier to smile.

I'm sure what most of you want to know (or at least those of you who read my Facebook statuses) is, "who is this 'he' that you've mentioned a couple times in your status updates?" Well, "he" is a very cute, very sweet, very genuine person that I'm getting to know and so far I like what I'm getting. For a while after this breakup, I really had no interest in moving on or even thinking about it. But as time keeps passing, the easier it gets to see through the clouds that have loomed over me for a good majority of this year. Some of you might be thinking in the back of your heads that "it's too soon" since I ended things in August. But most of you that know me, know what I've been through, and you know that even though it doesn't make it easy I knew it was over between Joshua and I. Hanging out with this new guy has been eye-opening, and wonderful so far and I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.

So blog, I will try to keep you posted and less spacey..but I fear this one probably wasn't terribly coherent since I'm feeling pretty sleepy and it's about 4:30 am.

Until next time... keep your head up and your feet out of the puddles.


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