Friday, April 17, 2009

Discovering Me: Day 9,688

So today is the day I decided to become part of the "blogger" world. No need to welcome me, I should've done this long ago. For some reason today I awoke with a little extra hop in my giddy up, and I'm trying to look at the world like a new and exciting place, kind of like a baby but less drool. The reason for this "awakening" is well overdue, much like many things in my life I'm discovering.
I lost my job, like many Americans, on January 23rd of this year and have had very little luck finding my new niche. I have no college degree (though I am in the process of obtaining one) and no real direction to move in yet. These things make searching for the right employer difficult, and also make me a bit on the depressed side. I've come to the conclusion that after being out on my own as an adult for some time, I'm going to have to break my lease and move back in with Mom and Dad until I get things put back together. However, I haven't attempted to make the leap of telling my apartment that cold fact yet. A part of me still wants to hang on to some hope that one of those jobs I've interviewed for will call.
Lately I've just been wallowing in self-pity and not really feeling like myself. Generally, I'm a laid back, no worries kinda gal. Losing your job sort of takes a toll on you emotionally though, especially when it's the first time you've lost your paycheck just as it's become really important, your adult life which is mixed and melted with apartment rent, car payments, utility bills and that massive credit card debt you racked up buying a bunch of material, stupid things. I sincerely wish money was of no importance. But, then again, I'd hate to go back to the caveman days where we used our teeth as currency...some of us would be very poor indeed.
Before I get a plethora of questions or you get that confused look stuck on your face, the name of my blog "Read By Morgan Freeman" is really just a fantasy of mine. Have you heard the man talk? Couldn't you just listen to him read you "Green Eggs and Ham" over and over again...I could, it would never get old. Plus a black man with freckles is quite endearing, don't you think?

Until another day.

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